A hair inspired by dreams
Hervey, the famous American sewing machine inventor in the 19th century, studied the design work unsuccessfully for a long time. One night, he dreamed that the king issued an order to him, if he did not create a sewing machine within 24 hours, he would be put to death with a spear. Then he saw the spears coming down slowly, and suddenly he was surprised to see that all the spears had little holes in the tips like eyes. A rush of excitement woke Hervey up, and he realized that the eye of the sewing machine should be near the tip of the needle, not in the middle and end of the needle. Back in the lab, he started a new experiment and it worked.
Psychologist Ullman believes that the creation of dreams is manifested in four aspects:
1. Dreams can create new things. Stevenson, author of the British classic '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea', recalled that he dreamed about the story in his early years, and he described the dream as a small person who provided himself with a mythical staff on the stage every night.
2, dreams can make the dreamer associate with the substance of things. The famous physicist Bohr once had such a dream that he dreamed that he was standing on a hot sun, and the planets were whistling past, and they seemed to be tied to the sun by filaments, and went around the sun. Bohr woke up to the essence of the atomic model, with the nucleus fixed in the center like the sun and the electrons rotating around the center like the planets.
3. Dreams can form a new form out of scattered appearances. German pharmacologist Lowy won the Nobel Prize in Physiology for his discovery that the control of heart beat is influenced by chemicals released by nerves. As early as 1903, Lowy disagreed with the traditional beat theory. It was not until 1920, in a dream, that he put all the facts together and proved his theory.
4, the creativity of the dream makes the dreamer feel an involuntary reflection of experience. Italian composer Tatini suddenly had a wonderful creative impulse in his sleep, heard a beautiful tune, inspired by the dream, he composed the world famous sonata 'The Devil's trill'.
Psychologists believe that the process of human invention can be divided into five stages:
1. Ask questions.
2. Collect data.
3. Try to conceive or wait.