Infant Fever
Dreaming of a baby with a fever
maxillary canines
Dreaming of tiger teeth
It's getting ugly.
Dreaming of getting ugly
Dreaming of tanned skin
blow one's face off
Dreaming of being blown up in the face
sagging breasts
Dreaming of sagging breasts
Dreaming of anus
Enlargement of the breasts
Dreaming of bigger breasts
head haemorrhage
Dreaming of bleeding from the head
go bald
dream of losing one's head
loose tooth
Dreaming of loose teeth
get prettier
Dreaming of becoming beautiful
It's getting ugly.
Dreaming of becoming ugly
scratch one's head (coll.)
Dreaming of scratching your head
blow one's eyes out
Dreaming of blowing out your eyes
erythema infectiosum
Dreaming of swollen feet
Whitening of the skin
Dreaming of whiter skin
Belly button
Dreaming of the navel
Dreaming about the chin
The hand is broken.
Dreaming of a broken hand