The relationship between intuition and dream interpretation
About the dreamer's intuition
As scientists, we don't usually like to talk about intuition. Because when it comes to intuition, it's easy to feel impersonal. Not reliable, not even scientific. Intuition, unlike thought, tells us the conclusion, not the process by which it was reached, so we have difficulty believing it.
But after a long practice of dream interpretation, I find that I cannot deny the role of the straight party. Sometimes, after hearing a dream, my intuition immediately gives me an explanation, and in my heart, I feel that this explanation is true. I tried to ask some questions, check the situation, and found that my intuition was right. But I don't know how intuition knows.
I can use my theory and method to explain why I interpret the dream the way I do, without mentioning the role of intuition, and yes, the same conclusion can be reached with my method. But it would be unfair not to mention intuition, as if a boss were taking credit for someone else's work.
In fact, science is not at all like some people think, is completely rigorous thinking and completely without intuition status, intuition plays a very important role in science. But once upon hearing a theory, the direct reaction of Ines was 'this is wrong,' and he arrived at this conclusion without any calculation, and when others justified it, he simply said: 'I find this theory not beautiful.' Intuition often tells us the conclusion first, and we find evidence for that conclusion later.
Psychologists can't ignore intuition. There is an American psychologist who said:
'Physicists have instruments, psychologists use instruments, and psychology is the most important. Instrument ’ It's our own heart. Intuition is the measurement of this instrument. We should not neglect this instrument.'
Although we can not trust intuition, but also can not ignore intuition.
In my experience, the ability to intuit the meaning of dreams can vary. The more dreams you interpret, the more accurate your intuition becomes. When I first started dream interpretation more than a decade ago, I had little help from the straight party, but now my intuition is quite accurate.
Moreover, I found that, at times, many people asked me to interpret dreams, and at first I was very accurate, but after 56 consecutive dreams, my intuition became less sensitive, as if it could also be affected by my psychological fatigue.
In fact, it is not mysterious that intuition can interpret dreams. The so-called intuition is the activity of the subconscious mind, that is, the activity of my own inner 'primitive man'. The intuition of dream interpretation roughly represents two abilities, one is the ability of my subconscious 'primitive man' to understand the subconscious psychological activities of others, and the other is my ability to understand my own subconscious. In other words, my intuition to understand someone else's dream requires two conditions, one is that my 'primitive man' can understand the other. The dreams of 'primitive man'; The second is that I can understand my own 'primitive man'. In this way, when others talk about dreams, my subconscious mind understands that this is a kind of 'down to down', that is, subconscious to subconscious communication.
Then I understood my subconscious mind, and thus the dream.
In the previous interpretation of the dream, it was as if the 'modern man' of my consciousness had understood the language of the primitive man, and he had understood the dream by translating the original language of the dreamer. In the intuitive interpretation of dreams, my primitive man hears the dream first, and I know the meaning of the dream from my primitive man.
Therefore, to have good intuition, I need my subconscious 'primitive' to understand the subconscious psychological activities of others, and this ability is what psychologists call 'empathy' ability, an ability to understand others from the bottom of my heart. There are primitive people who know themselves, and this ability comes from a lot of self-analysis and a lot of interpretations of their dreams, to reach a very good understanding of their dreams and subconscious. And in order to achieve both abilities, you must allow yourself to care about others as much as possible, and at the same time allow yourself not to deceive yourself.
If you can interpret dreams intuitively, you can already say that you have reached a higher level of dream interpretation.
A good dream interpreter must be sensitive and intuitive about dreams. With intuition, without analysis, one has a general sense of what the dreamer is talking about. Feel a mood, an atmosphere. After the release, you can also have a feeling.
Feeling 'yes, that's right,' or feeling 'something is not right.' A good dream interpreter should have an insight, a penetrating power, a magical ability to comprehend. This is like the feeling that a person with artistic appreciation has to poetry, which makes one grasp the poem at once and feel the taste of the poem. And those who lack the taste of art, even though they read art criticism, learn how to understand poetry, and know how to analyze poetry, still have difficulty in really understanding poetry.